FTIR microscopy is giving art and culture researchers a deeper look into artwork created centuries ago by one of Italy’s most renowned artists. And it could someday help art historians...
The NanoDrop Eight UV-visible microvolume spectrophotometer allows molecular biologists to measure the concentrations and purity of their biological samples.
In 2010, Laser Focus World profiled a number of handheld spectrometer designs and their myriad applications. More than five years later, they continue to shrink in size and/or...
The IRIS 4800 mid-IR laser-based carbon monoxide (CO) analyzer features the company’s Unique Difference Frequency Generation (DFG) laser technology for measurement in the mid-...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (Madison, WI), a company devoted to serving science, has introduced the Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS50 FT-IR spectrometer, the first research-grade...
Two DXR Nanocarbon Analysis Packages for the characterization and microcharacterization of carbon nanomaterials offer large-scale chemical and materials producers complete systems...
The GRAMS 9.0 spectroscopy software suite comprises applications and modules centered on the core GRAMS/AI spectroscopy data processing and reporting software.
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The Evolution 260 Bio from Thermo Fisher Scientific features Application Focused Beam Geometry (AFBG) technology to tailor the optical system to specific applications for microcells...
Miniaturization of light sources and optical components has shrunk the spectrometer into a portable, handheld form factor that allows the spectrometer to leave the lab and enter...
The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop 3300 fluorospectrometer from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Wilmington, DE) enables cancer and biomedical researchers to study DNA methylation events...
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.'s GRAMS 9.0 spectroscopy software provides advanced processing routines, data comparison, and visualization features, and can handle data from any...
Thermo Fisher Scientific says that its FT-IR can be effectively used to characterize the chemical composition of biological systems, such as lipids, in algae.
Thermo Fisher Scientific (Madison, WI) says its Antaris Fourier-transform near infrared (FT-NIR) analyzers are built from the ground up to suit the specific requirements of the...
A trip to the “Big Easy” may evoke images of slower, more genteel times, but Pittcon 2008, held March 17 at the massive Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (New Orleans, ...