Crystal IS Inc

Green Island, NY 12183


About Crystal IS Inc


70 Cohoes Ave
Green Island, NY 12183
United States

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(Credit: Asahi Kasei via PR Newswire)
The UV Accelerator project is accepting applicants for new product development ideas regarding the utilization of UVC LEDs until March 31, 2021, with up to $250,000 in funding for selected companies.
Lasers & Sources

Project to support development of UVC LEDs for COVID-19 disinfection

The UV Accelerator project will facilitate the development of products and solutions that utilize UVC LEDs for disinfection and a safer working environment in a post COVID-19 ...
(Courtesy of Crystal IS)
FIGURE 1. Biofouling of a surface in a marine environment is a process that begins with the formation of a biofilm and eventually involves attachment of larger organisms.
Lasers & Sources

Photonic Frontiers: LEDs - UVC LEDs reduce marine biofouling

Deep-ultraviolet LEDs emitting in the 250–280 nm range can help sense and prevent fouling of ships by biofilms.
Content Dam Lfw Online Articles 2016 07 Klaran Web
Lasers & Sources

Crystal IS UVC LEDs use an AlN substrate

Klaran LEDs emit UVC radiation in the 250–280 nm wavelength range, using a patented AlN substrate, for use in disinfection applications for air, water, and surfaces.
1509 Lfw Pro 1
Lasers & Sources

Crystal IS surface-mount UV LEDs deliver typical L50 of 3000 hours at 100 mA

Optan SMD deep-ultraviolet (UV) LEDs come in a surface-mount package, offering 2 mW light output and typical L50 of 3000 hours at 100 mA.
Adapted from Hamamatsu Light Source,, Apr. 2014
FIGURE 1. Stability of light output for various traditional UV light sources.
Lasers & Sources

Ultraviolet LEDs: UVC LEDs enable cost-effective spectroscopic instruments

The traditional light sources used in UV spectroscopy can, for some uses, be replaced by LEDs, greatly reducing both capital and operating costs.
Crystal Is
Biophotonics Tools

UV crystal LEDs for spectroscopy by Crystal IS

Optan ultraviolet crystal (UVC) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are based on native aluminum nitride (AIN) substrates for increased detection sensitivity in analytical and life sciences...
Gail Overton 720

UV disinfection: LEDs versus lamps

Finally, the amazing benefits of light are being harnessed in everyday applications that improve health and the environment while reducing energy consumption and limiting the ...

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