The UV Accelerator project will facilitate the development of products and solutions that utilize UVC LEDs for disinfection and a safer working environment in a post COVID-19 ...
Klaran LEDs emit UVC radiation in the 250–280 nm wavelength range, using a patented AlN substrate, for use in disinfection applications for air, water, and surfaces.
Optan ultraviolet crystal (UVC) light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are based on native aluminum nitride (AIN) substrates for increased detection sensitivity in analytical and life sciences...
Finally, the amazing benefits of light are being harnessed in everyday applications that improve health and the environment while reducing energy consumption and limiting the ...
Green Island, NY--Crystal IS was awarded $5 million dollars by DARPA to develop LEDs operating below 275 nm for use in water sterilization and numerous other applications.
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