An innovative laser scanning technique can 3D-print more complex robots and delicate structures out of a wider variety of materials, all in a single process.
A laser-based separation process for cutting augmented reality (AR) eyepieces made of high-index glass achieves high and predictable bending strength, and has been integrated ...
This in-depth market update focuses on trends in laser processing and industrial lasers while touching on what to expect in the ultrafast laser, fiber laser, LiDAR, and handheld...
Rob Devlin, co-founder and CEO of Metalenz, shares the significant people that forged his path to developing one of the most promising optics companies in the world today.
Rapid and accurate detection of a virus can quite literally make the difference between life and death. With this in mind, researchers created a mid-infrared photothermal microscope...
The Dirac-vortex state, a mathematical analog of Majorana fermions (a.k.a. angel particles) within superconducting electronic systems, offers a larger free spectral range than...
Researchers tune an extreme ultraviolet high-harmonic generation (EUV HHG) light probe across the magnetic resonances of each element within a Heusler compound and track its electron...
(Courtesy of Tian Xia and Irina V. Larina, Baylor College of Medicine)
Coverage within the 1- to 20-THz spectral region will enable exploration of a new class of physical phenomena: controlling materials’ functionality via light.