Fully Featured Multi-Color EnginesThe iChrome family of multi-laser engines addresses the need for lasers with multiple colors in biophotonics (microscopy, cytometry, DNA sequencing etc.) and metrology (scatterometry, ellipsometry). These applications require a flexible laser source that provides several wavelengths from one optical fiber. The compact and reliable iChrome systems thus replace cumbersome and maintenance-intensive “breadboard solutions”. With TOPTICA’s proprietary COOLAC-technology all integrated lasers can be perfectly aligned with just one push of a button. The light engine can provide up to eight different wavelengths from ultraviolett to infrared wavelengths. The individual lasers are efficiently combined and delivered via single-mode, polarization-maintaining fibers. With microprocessor-control the iChrome systems enable flexible OEM integration. High speed analog and digital modulation allows for fast switching of laser wavelengths in arbitrary patterns for complex experiments. In addition, the system provides high-end features like direct modulation (no external AOM/AOTF required), “complete-off” and speckle management, which all can be conveniently controlled via one electrical interface. TOPTICA's iChrome family thus offers all the features and the necessary flexibility to address even challenging imaging and measurement techniques, either as standalone multi-laser source or fully integrated into existing instruments. At the same time, the system offers easy and convenient operation for beginners and experienced users as well as “no-screwdriver” installation and alignment.