Manufactures and develops ultrafast pulse shapers that use multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan technology which unlocks the power of ultrafast lasers for industrial/scientific applications by automatically optimizing the laser-pulse.
East Lansing, MI--ICFO researchers are studying photosynthesis at the level of single molecules using MIIPS laser pulse characterization, shaping, and compression technology from...
Borrowing methods from highly chemical-specific coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) technology, researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) have developed a single...
East Lansing, MI--Marcos Dantus, MSU chemistry professor and founder of BioPhotonic Solutions, has developed a laser that can detect micro traces of explosive chemicals on clothing...
San Jose, CA--In this video, BioPhotonic Solutions explains femtoAdaptiv, a hassle-free femtosecond laser and winner of the 2012 CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award.
Culminating 11 years of work on medical applications of coherent Raman microscopy, Harvard University researchers have achieved stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging on humans...
“From imaging cells and viruses in extraordinary detail to carrying out flow cytometry on the blood vessels of living creatures to the removal of melanomas from human patients...
Based on nonlinear optics, multiphoton intrapulse-interference phase scan (MIIPS) provides high-accuracy pulse characterization without interferometry. Once distortions are measured...
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