Biophotonic Solutions Inc

East Lansing, MI 48823


About Biophotonic Solutions Inc


1401 E Lansing Dr
Suite 112
East Lansing, MI 48823
United States

More Info on Biophotonic Solutions Inc

Manufactures and develops ultrafast pulse shapers that use multiphoton intrapulse interference phase scan technology which unlocks the power of ultrafast lasers for industrial/scientific applications by automatically optimizing the laser-pulse.


Standoff stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) images of ammonium nitrate (NH3NO4) are shown on (a) cotton at a 10 m distance and (b) blue textured plastic at 7.5 m; the explosive TNT is also shown on (c) cotton at 10 m. Substrate sample distribution is approximately 100 μg/cm2. The on/off resonance frequencies targeted using the pulse shaper for detecting ammonium nitrate are 1043 cm-1/950 cm-1; the values for the TNT sample are 1360 cm-1/1043 cm-1.

STANDOFF DETECTION: SRS chemical detection is insensitive to substrate’s optical properties

Borrowing methods from highly chemical-specific coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) technology, researchers at Michigan State University (MSU) have developed a single...
Marcos Dantus, MSU chemistry professor and founder of BioPhotonic Solutions, has invented a bomb-detecting laser that can be used at security checkpoints.

Bomb-detecting laser could improve security checkpoints

East Lansing, MI--Marcos Dantus, MSU chemistry professor and founder of BioPhotonic Solutions, has developed a laser that can detect micro traces of explosive chemicals on clothing...
(Courtesy BioPhotonic Solutions)
The 2012 CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award winner was BioPhotonic Solutions for the development of femtoAdaptiv, the first ultrafast laser system capable of adaptive pulse self-compression that delivers ultrashort (sub-10 fs) pulses at the focal plane of a microscope objective.

Femtosecond laser operation simplified with BioPhotonic Solutions' winning laser (VIDEO)

San Jose, CA--In this video, BioPhotonic Solutions explains femtoAdaptiv, a hassle-free femtosecond laser and winner of the 2012 CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award.
Video-rate stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) depicts the structural components of tissue—lipids (red), proteins (green), and water (blue)—in imaging the sebaceous glad wrapping around a hair in the epidermis of a mouse.

CELL BIOLOGY/RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY: Label-free, subcellular images captured at video rate

Culminating 11 years of work on medical applications of coherent Raman microscopy, Harvard University researchers have achieved stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging on humans...
FIGURE 1. BioPhotonics Solutions’ femtoFit is designed for use as a stand-alone device or for integration into OEM systems such as two-photon microscopes.
Biophotonics Techniques

BIOPHOTONICS INNOVATION: Ultrafast pulse delivery, laser tunability products win honors at CLEO

“From imaging cells and viruses in extraordinary detail to carrying out flow cytometry on the blood vessels of living creatures to the removal of melanomas from human patients...
(Courtesy of BioPhotonic Solutions)
FIGURE 1. A sub-5 fs pulse is transmitted through a bovine eye whose retina has been removed for group-velocity-dispersion measurements with MIIPS.
Lasers & Sources

MIIPS characterizes and corrects femtosecond pulses

Based on nonlinear optics, multiphoton intrapulse-interference phase scan (MIIPS) provides high-accuracy pulse characterization without interferometry. Once distortions are measured...

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