Daylight Solutions hiring to support mid-IR quantum-cascade laser technology (VIDEO)
San Diego, CA--While many companies are trimming employees or just holding steady, molecular detection and imaging solutions company Daylight Solutions is growing. In addition to a recent announcement that Daylight Defense LLC, a newly formed and wholly owned subsidiary of Daylight Solutions, was awarded a $5.7 million contract from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory to develop quantum-cascade laser (QCL) systems to address emerging requirements for directional infrared countermeasure (IRCM) systems, the company also recently relocated to a larger (35,000 square foot) facility in San Diego to support its anticipated growth.
Daylight Solutions is also active with the MIRTHE Center, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center headquartered at Princeton University with fiver other universities as partners. Daylight Solutions is working to insure that MIRTHE meets its goal of commercializing mid-infrared (3-30 µm wavelength) optical trace gas sensing systems based on such technologies as QCLs or quartz-enhanced photo-acoustic spectroscopy techniques.
In mid July, Daylight Solutions held an employment fair at its new facility that saw an impressive turnout: 125 employment candidates. Daylight Solutions expects to grow from a current employee count of nearly 50 to around 100 employees in another eight to ten months, anticipating a strong, profitable future for its molecular detection solutions using mid-IR QCL technology.