Europe's Innovation Award Laser Technology 2020 seeks entry submissions

Oct. 8, 2019
Contest run jointly by the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik and the European Laser Institute recognizes innovation in laser materials-processing technology with a 10,000 Euro prize.

The Innovation Award Laser Technology is a European research and technology prize provided with 10,000 Euros in prize money and awarded every other year jointly by the associations Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. and the European Laser Institute ELI in recognition of outstanding work in the field of laser technology. The two associations have announced that the call for proposals is now open, with the closing date for applications being January 15, 2020. Application instructions and information for online submission are found at The official presentation of the award will take place in the town hall of Aachen, Germany on May 6, 2020 at the International Laser Technology Congress AKL´20 (

The Innovation Award addresses laser manufacturers, laser users, and researchers who have successfully conceived and implemented an innovative idea relating to laser technology, following the project through from application-oriented research to ultimate industrial application. The closed scientific and technological projects in question must center on the use of laser light in materials processing and the methods of producing such light, and must furthermore be in their practical implementation of demonstrable commercial value to industry.

Eligible applicants
The award can be conferred on an individual researcher or on an entire project group. Only those working in industry or at universities or independent research centers established in Europe are eligible. The range of possible fields extends from the development of new laser-beam sources and systems for use in laser materials processing to the qualification of innovative laser manufacturing processes for use in an industrial production environment.

The top three applicants will be awarded with first, second, and third prizes. The prizewinner will furthermore be given the sum of 10,000 euros and be awarded the title of "AKL fellow" and "ELI fellow." The official presentation of the award will take place at the International Laser
Technology Congress AKL´20 on May 6, 2020 in Aachen.

A shortlist of the best candidates will be compiled by an international jury consisting of 10 members recruited from industry and the research community. The prizewinner, as well as the second and third placed, are selected on the basis of the published assessment criteria. Any and all legal recourse is explicity barred.

Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik AKL e.V. is a registered nonprofit association formed in 1990 by a group of companies and private individuals aiming to pool their experience and conduct joint public-relations activities in order to spread the use of laser technology in industry and promote the sharing of scientific ideas. In 2019, around 170 laser experts and enthusiasts are signed up as active members of the AKL network. The association’s activities include disseminating information on innovations in laser technology, organizing conferences and seminars, stimulating the interest of future young scientists, and providing advice to industry and research scientists on questions relating to laser technology. See

The European Laser Institute (ELI) has created a platform bringing together competence in and knowledge of optical technologies. By promoting technology transfer within Europe, ELI aims to enhance the international lead of European industry and research in the field of laser technology and photonics. By working in close collaboration with existing national and international organizations, the ELI network of industrial and academic research institutions helps to influence R&D policy on a national and European level. See

Dr. Hartmut Frerichs, General Secretary of Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V.,
Phone: +49 175 8134469, Fax: +49 241 8906 121,
email: [email protected]

Dr. Stefan Kaierle, European Laser Institute,
Phone: +49 511 2788 370, Fax: +49 511 2788 100
email: [email protected]

Source: Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V.

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About the Author

John Wallace | Senior Technical Editor (1998-2022)

John Wallace was with Laser Focus World for nearly 25 years, retiring in late June 2022. He obtained a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and physics at Rutgers University and a master's in optical engineering at the University of Rochester. Before becoming an editor, John worked as an engineer at RCA, Exxon, Eastman Kodak, and GCA Corporation.

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