Charlton, MA, and Sudbury, MA--Fiberoptics manufacturer Incom and atomic-layer deposition (ALD) technology developer Arradiance have entered into a licensing agreement, under which Incom will utilize Arradianceâs proprietary ALD microchannel plate (MCP) activation process.
The technology will be used in multiple applications, including medical scanning, homeland security, and a new, large-area MCP-photomultiplier tube (PMT) device. Among other collaborators, Incom has been working with Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, IL) and the University of Chicago in Illinois on a $3.5 million Phase I and II âTechnology Transferâ funded by the Department of Energy. The funding is ultimately for the commercialization of a revolutionary new device, considered as a possible replacement for traditional PMT currently being used in the area of high energy physics worldwide.
âInitial test results demonstrate exceptionally high gain, uniformity, and lifetime for the plates processed using this ALD technology. These advancements enable extension of MCP-PMT detection systems into the demanding medical and homeland security markets,â says Ken Stenton, Arradiance president and CEO.
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