NKT Photonics' Peter Moselund to lead CREOL seminar on supercontinuum mid-IR sources
Orlando, FL--The University of Central Florida's (UCF) College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL) will host a seminar covering supercontinuum mid-IR sources, to take place on Friday, April 20.
To be led by Dr. Peter M. Moselund, a research scientist at NKT Photonics (Birkerød, Denmark), the seminar will begin with an explanation of the basic processes involved in supercontinuum generation before shifting focus to mid-IR supercontinuum. Benefits of various soft glasses will be considered, and Moselund will present NKT Photonics' work in developing a mid-IR supercontinuum source based on modelocked picosecond fiber lasers. The source is pumped by a ~2 µm laser based on a combination of erbium and thulium and uses ZBLAN fibers to generate a 1.75–4.4 µm spectrum. Moseland will also present results obtained by applying the source for mid-IR microscopy, where absorption spectra can be used to identify the chemical nature of different parts of a sample. Finally, he will discuss the possible application of a mid-IR supercontinuum source in other areas, including IR countermeasures.
For more information, please contact Larry Shah, senior research scientist, at [email protected].
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