Bio-Rad Laboratories

Hercules, CA 94547


About Bio-Rad Laboratories


1000 Alfred Nobel Dr
Hercules, CA 94547
United States

More Info on Bio-Rad Laboratories


Barbara G 720
BioOptics World View

Neuro15 exhibitors meet exacting demands: Part 2

Increasingly, neuroscientists are working with researchers in disciplines such as chemistry and physics. This trend has been noticed by exhibitors at the Society for Neuroscience...
(Image courtesy of Qimin Quan)
FIGURE 1. Nanobeam cavities trap light in a sensor that could detect thousands of different molecules—all from a single chip.

INSIDE INSTRUMENTATION: The many approaches and applications of biosensing

A middle-aged man leans forward, rests the bridge of his nose against a desktop-size device and waits a few seconds. When he hears a small beep, he pulls back and reads his blood...

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