JPK Instruments AG

Berlin 12435


About JPK Instruments AG


Bouchestr 12
Berlin 12435

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FIGURE 1. Living Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are measured with a closed-loop quantitative imaging (QI) AFM scanning system in a Petri dish heater at 37°C in buffer solution. The optical phase contrast image is overlaid with the AFM height image (a), and a 3D topography image shows a scan with an area of 25 μm2 (b). The z-range giving the height information is 3.6 μm.

NANOMETROLOGY: QI offers next-generation AFM imaging mode for nanometrology

A new atomic-force microscopy (AFM) quantitative imaging (QI) mode is not a product, but a new methodology that makes it easier to image difficult samples without the need for...
Steve Pawlizak, a post-graduate student in Professor Josef A, Käs' group at the University of Leipzig, uses JPK Instruments' CellHesion 200 single cell force testing system.
Cell Biology

University adds single cell force testing system to study cell interaction

Seeking to study interactions between living cell compartmentalization and tumor spreading, the University of Leipzig has chosen the CellHesion 200 system from JPK Instruments...

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