Once built primarily around bulky and expensive krypton lasers, the newest multicolor laser systems have taken advantage of improved scanning systems and advanced software programmabili...
The patented LASORB hybrid electric device, which consists of passive electrical and active silicon components that come together to protect laser diodes from electrostatic discharge...
The Lasorb line of protective components for diode lasers now includes devices to protect 515 and 520 nm green laser diodes from electrostatic discharge.
Orlando, FL--Pangolin Laser Systems was proud to take part in the 50th Year Anniversary Celebration of the University of Central Florida with a laser light show and education ...
Orlando, FL--Pangolin Laser Systems introduced a low-power rotary actuator based on a dual-coil, segmented stator design that lowers laser scanning costs.
A Lasorb electrostatic absorber protects 445 nm laser diodes from damage by direct and indirect electrostatic discharge, including single, multiple, and repeated ESD events of...
In what it calls a major breakthrough for the longevity of products using laser diodes, Pangolin Laser Systems (Orlando, FL) has launched "the world's first" component to protect...
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