Pangolin Laser Systems diode protectors for green laser diodes

March 25, 2013
The Lasorb line of protective components for diode lasers now includes devices to protect 515 and 520 nm green laser diodes from electrostatic discharge.

The Lasorb line of protective components for diode lasers now includes devices to protect 515 and 520 nm green laser diodes from electrostatic discharge. They protect from single, multiple, and repeated electrostatic discharge events of positive or negative polarity.
Pangolin Laser Systems
Orlando, FL

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New 520nm Green Laser Diodes Gaining Favor For Projection Display Applications

ORLANDO, Fla. - Pangolin Laser Systems, the world's largest producer of laser display software and control hardware, announced the expansion of its LASORB product line with a series of components designed to protect 515nm and 520nm green laser diodes from damage by direct and indirect electrostatic discharge, including single, multiple, and repeated ESD events of positive or negative polarity. LASORB, a class of component invented by Pangolin, is described as an "ESD absorber" created specifically to protect laser diodes, superluminescent diodes, and LEDs.

"Last year we added a LASORB part for quantum cascade lasers and series strings of laser diodes. This year we are adding a LASORB part for green laser diodes that are just now coming onto the market," said William Benner, president and chief technology officer of Pangolin.

"These direct green laser diodes have been eagerly awaited, since their single-mode beam profile and modulate-ability are generally superior to many DPSS lasers," said Benner. "The new 520nm wavelength diodes are especially good for display applications because the wavelength is closer to the Argon green wavelength. The resulting color spectrum from direct diode red, green and blue lasers is absolutely beautiful."

Pangolin first introduced LASORB in 2008 and has continued to expand the product series to accommodate a broader range of laser diode products. According the Benner, the product has proven its effectiveness and value in a variety of research and commercial applications, including those using infrared, red, blue, and Blu-ray diodes.

"Prior to LASORB, electrostatic discharge was a persistent, unsolved problem for laser diodes, especially Blu-ray and low-power single-mode red laser diodes," he said. "Without LASORB, a single modest ESD event can cause permanent damage, resulting in partial or complete diode failure well ahead of the manufacturers' rated life expectancy for the diode."

Benner said LASORB also protects against reverse bias conditions. While Schottky diodes are typically used for this purpose, Benner said using LASORB in their place offered protection against both ESD and reverse biasing.

In addition to the newly announced series, Pangolin produces several other series of LASORB, including ones for infrared, red, blue, blu-ray and quantum cascade lasers. The component package is compact and mounts in a 2-pin, through-hole configuration; Pangolin can also design custom packages, and an SMT offering is available as well.

"LASORB is a game-changer with respect protecting lasers from ESD," stated Benner. "There is nothing in the world like it. Previous so-called solutions for ESD all fail in some respect: they are either too slow to respond, ineffective in the required voltage range, or incapable of absorbing the energy of a voltage surge."

Benner said LASORB customers currently include government, universities, and commercial companies in several countries and that it is being applied in fields of electronics, medicine, security, entertainment, and scientific research.

Web Videos Demonstrate Component's Performance
Pangolin has set up a specific website for LASORB ( offering detailed product information and datasheets, background on laser diodes and ESD, a review of the limitations of previous ESD solutions in laser diodes applications, and links to other resources. The company has produced two videos demonstrating the effects of ESD on laser diodes, including the new green diodes, and the effectiveness of LASORB in protecting them. The videos can be seen on the LASORB website ( or on YouTube: (

About Pangolin Laser Systems and Co-Founder William Benner
With over 18,000 clients in 63 countries, Pangolin is the world's leading developer and producer software and related control hardware for laser display applications in entertainment, business, and industry. The company, founded in 1986, has received more than 20 awards for technical achievement, including an award for LASORB from the International Laser Display Assn. Pangolin is based in Orlando and has offices in Slovenia and China.

William Benner, Pangolin's president, co-founder, and chief technology officer, has represented the United States in the International Skill Olympics and placed sixth in the world in the field of electronics. He holds 14 patents in the field of laser technology and electronics.

More information on LASORB is available at More information on Pangolin is available at


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