SisuROCK is a hyperspectral imaging station for drill cores and other geological samples. This workstation can acquire hyperspectral imaging data of a whole core box in less than 15 s. It consists of a push-broom-type line imaging spectral camera operating in the 970–2500 nm range, with either RGB or VNIR sensors.
Oulu, Finland
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SPECIM Organizes a Free Hands-On Session on sisuROCK: Hyperspectral Core Logger
27 October 2011 SPECIM, Spectral Imaging, Ltd. renowned manufacturer of hyperspectral imaging systems, invites participants from all around the world to a hands-on demonstration of sisuROCK at its premises in Finland on 2nd of December, 2011.
SisuROCK is a Hyperspectral imaging station for drill cores and other geological samples. This revolutionary workstation can acquire hyperspectral imaging data of a whole core box in less than 15 seconds. The technology behind sisuROCK is hyperspectral imaging, a non-invasive spectroscopic technique that allows material identification by capturing the object image with cameras that can see in different wavelengths than the human eye. By applying this technology, sisuROCK can recognize minerals that otherwise would be unnoticed or hard to distinguish. Thanks to artificial eye the mineral analysis results are 100% consistent and objective day after day.
AngloGold Ashanti’s Chief Spectral Geologist, Dr. Paul Linton, evaluates sisuROCK after one year since its purchase.
“We have found the mineralogical information that can be extracted from NIR hyperspectral core imagers to be invaluable. The hyperspectral data offer a complete, continuous dataset and so form a reference layer for all other data, including geochemistry, geophysics and metallurgy. Integration of all these parameters provides the means to produce robust geological and metallurgical models, which are critical for decision making at the feasibility stage and offer substantial cost savings at the mining stage. As a simple example, savings of just $10/oz translate to $100 million for a 10 Moz orebody, and having the right models will inform the decision to proceed or walk away from an advanced project. We have recently purchased a SPECIM sisuROCK instrument, which will allow to image large volumes of core at a very competitive cost.”
For more information on sisuROCK, please contact SPECIM.
tel. +358 10 4244 400
[email protected]
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