VistaGen Therapeutics, Vala Sciences enter strategic drug screening partnership
In a strategic collaboration, stem cell technology developer VistaGen Therapeutics (South San Francisco, CA) and cell imaging technology specialist Vala Sciences (San Diego, CA) will strive to advance drug safety screening methodologies. Specifically, Vala will use its Kinetic Image Cytometer platform to demonstrate both the suitability and utility of VistaGen's human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (heart-muscle cells responsible for pumping blood throughout the body) for screening new drug candidates for potential cardiotoxicity over conventional in-vitro screening systems and animal models.
VistaGen's validated human cardiomyocyte-based bioassay system, CardioSafe 3D, will permit Vala to demonstrate the resolutions and applicability of its new instrumentation and analysis software to make high-throughput measurements and generate new insights into heart cell drug responses.
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