FDA approves BD flow cytometer system with leucocount reagent assay
Medical technology systems maker BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company; Franklin Lakes, NJ) has received FDA approval for a flow cytometer system with a leucocount reagent assay used in residual white blood cell (rWBC) enumeration.
When used together with the company's Leucocount kit and BD Trucount tubes, the newly approved BD FACSVia system identifies and counts rWBCs in leucoreduced blood products.
The BD FACSVia system, explains John Ledek, president of Biosciences for BD, provides blood banks and clinical laboratories with a cell analysis solution to help determine and quantify the presence of rWBCs in their blood products.
The system offers the performance of a full-function clinical flow cytometer, but in a compact design that fits on a benchtop or within a hood.
For more information, please visit bd.com.