Optical components catalog by Semrock

Sept. 5, 2012
The 2012-13 Master Catalog of optical filters and related products from Semrock contains several Technical and Product Notes, along with a selection of products introduced by the company in the past six months.

The 2012-13 Master Catalog of optical filters and related products from Semrock (Rochester, NY) contains several Technical and Product Notes, along with a selection of products introduced by the company in the past six months. The catalog also lists over 35 new thin-film filters for fluorescence microscopy and measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and other laser analytical instrumentation applications.

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New 2012-13 Semrock Master Catalog Available

Rochester, NY -- Semrock, Inc. announced the release of its new 112-page, full-color, 2012-13 Master Catalog of optical filters and related products. This comprehensive catalog contains several new Technical and Product Notes along with a larger than usual selection of new products introduced in the past six months. Over 35 new thin-film filters for fluorescence microscopy and measurements, Raman spectroscopy, and other laser analytical instrumentation applications, as well as many improved versions of existing optical filters and sets are available.

Among the standouts of this print edition are, the new Semrock PulseLine™ family of optics that are specifically designed for femtosecond pulsed laser applications. The initial product offering consists of three high reflectivity mirrors optimized to steer beam pulses within the tuning range of a Ti:S ultrafast laser for near-normal incidence and at 45degrees. All products are optimized for low group delay dispersion and are available from stock for same day shipping.

After first introducing the MaxMirror ultra-broad mirror nearly 10 years ago, Semrock has combined the latest coating technology, manufacturing capabilities, and Semrock's extensive knowledge of thin-film coatings to lower the price to $99 a mirror, or purchase a 10-pack for additional savings and a free gift. This award-winning mirror’s performance hasn’t been compromised – it still maintains the same high laser damage threshold, average reflectivity of greater than 98% over the 350-1100 nm range, and now boasts a 10-5 Scratch-Dig cosmetic specification and a thinner substrate thickness of 6 mm.

Semrock continues to improve current product lines by now offering single-band and single-edge laser sets with an extended reflection dichroic beamsplitter, also offered individually. With reflection down to 350 nm, these laser sets are ideal for the latest cutting-edge applications such as uncaging and photoactivation. And with a steeper edge, these dichroic beamsplitters can allow for capturing more fluorescence signal for even the tightest spaced absorption & emission fluorophore spectra.

Exceptional Semrock services highlighted in the catalog include our same-day shipping policy, 2-day custom-sizing, and a 30-day no-hassle return policy. All Semrock filters are covered under the company’s five-year warranty.

Download your copy of the catalog directly from the website, or request a print copy at www.semrock.com


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