Bridgewater, NJ, June 10, 2004--Hamamatsu has introduced a series of image intensifier modules specifically designed for time-resolved imaging applications that use visible fluorescence dye. Delivering extremely high sensitivity, the C9016 series can be used for imaging of low-light-level fluorescence and emissions, as well as biological observation under microscopes, analysis of explosion and combustion, and
imaging of high-speed phenomena.
The series delivers extremely high sensitivity because Hamamatsu has designed the image intensifier modules with a GaAsP photocathode, yielding a Quantum Efficiency (QE) of 50% at 530 nm, and also covering the 275 nm to 775 nm spectral response range. The two available models can be operated in 20-ns gating and 2-kHz repetition rates. The C9016-21 has gain of 2.2 x 104, while the C9016-22's gain is 5.0 x 106. Limiting resolution is 50 Lp/mm for the C9016-21 and 36 Lp/mm for the C9016-22. Hamamatsu also designs the C9016-01/02 units that have gate time of 100 ms.
Incorporating an image intensifier, a high-voltage power supply, and a gate drive circuit, the C9016 series provides a number of design benefits. The image intensifier modules can be controlled via a remote controller or PC through a USB interface. Additionally, various CCD cameras can be used with the C9016 series simply by coupling a relay lens.