VIASPACE sees multi-unit reorder for laser-based automotive humidity detection system
September 16, 2008--VIASPACE announced that its VIASPACE Energy (Pasadena, CA) business unit received a multi-unit follow-on order from a major automotive customer for its HS-1000 VIASENSOR, a laser-based humidity detection instrument. The customer's name was not revealed due to competitive concerns. The VIASENSOR makes real-time measurements of humidity levels in industrial and automotive gas streams for environmental monitoring and process control.
The performance of hydrogen fuel cells using a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) depends on the moisture level of the membrane. The membrane only conducts protons when it is hydrated or moist. The moisture is provided by water vapor in the incoming air or hydrogen stream. The VIASENSOR HS-1000 provides real-time measurements of the amount of water vapor in these gas streams. It is the only humidity sensor that provides in-situ, continuous, and fast-responding dew point measurement.
Originally founded in 1998 with the objective of transforming proven space and defense technologies from NASA and the Department of Defense into hardware and software solutions that solve today's complex problems, VIASPACE benefits from important patent and software licenses from Caltech.
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