4D Technology interferometer includes wavefront analysis software

The AccuFiz interferometer is designed for surface shape and transmitted wavefront quality measurements at midspatial frequencies. The standard system includes a touchscreen remote, fully motorized controls, tool-free height adjustment, and 4Sight wavefront analysis software. The standard Smart Zoom provides repeatable lateral resolution at all zoom settings.
4D Technology
Tucson, AZ
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4D Technology Introduces AccuFiz™ Fizeau Interferometer for Measurement of Precision Optics
Tucson, AZ, August 18, 2011 - The compact AccuFiz™ interferometer offers an unmatched combination of accuracy, quality and value, for surface shape and transmitted wavefront quality measurements of optical components and systems.
The AccuFiz provides unparalleled accuracy at mid-spatial frequencies, enabling optics manufacturers to measure polishing artifacts that other interferometers miss.
Standard system features include a touch-screen remote, fully motorized controls and tool-free height adjustment. The standard Smart Zoom™ ensures repeatable lateral resolution at all zoom settings. Included 4Sight wavefront analysis software features an intuitive interface and excellent ease of use.
The AccuFiz product line offers a selection of laser sources, aperture sizes, mounting configurations and accessories for a wide range of applications and budgets. Optional Dynamic Interferometry® capability lets users measure despite vibration and air turbulence, without an air table.
4D Technology has built its reputation by designing unique interferometers to solve extreme measurement challenges. The New AccuFiz channels that expertise into an all-purpose interferometer with an unprecedented combination of performance and value.
About 4D Technology Corporation
4D Technology Corporation (www.4DTechnology.com) develops and manufactures optical metrology instruments for applications in astronomy, aerospace, general optics and other industries.
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