Fairport NY, December 3, 2002. Corning Tropel Corporation has introduced the UltraFlat 200 mask system. This system measures the flatness of polished photomasks, as well as film stress after coating. The UltraFlat 200 mask system utilizes near-normal incidence interferometry and Corning Tropel's TMS phase-shifting analysis software to deliver a 50nanometer (nm) measurement uncertainty.
In addition, the system can measure both sides of polished photomasks, coated or uncoated, in sizes up to six inches. These features allow photoblank and photomask manufacturers to meet increasingly tighter specifications, while maintaining a high level of efficiency through the system's advanced technology and ease-of-use.
The UltraFlat 200 mask system runs on the Windows 2000 operating system, providing ease-of-use and menu-driven software. Measurements appear on the high-resolution color monitor in less than 30 seconds. These measurements are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the non-regulatory federal agency within the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology Administration, created to develop and promote measurements, standards, and technology throughout various industries. In addition, the measurements conform to the standards set by Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI).
Future development plans for the UltraFlat 200 mask system include integrated automated loading/unloading capabilities and even lower uncertainty specifications.
More information is available here.
Laser Focus World