April 19, 2007, New Delhi, India--Belarus and India will set up a laser-optical center in New Delhi, which will operate as a part of the defense industry system of India, according to a notice on the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus.
"The Indian side has already approved the project and settled all the issues concerning locating and financing the center", said Vladimir Matiushkov, chair of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus. Experts of the National Academy of Sciences and the industry ministry of Belarus have been involved in the project, he added. Belarus and India have also agreed to set up an IT center in the Belarusian High-Tech Park.
An executive program on the Belarusian-Indian science and technology cooperation by 2010, approved in New Delhi, describes actions in regard to 31 joint projects, according to the notice. Some 16 of them are planned to be carried out by the organizations of the education ministry of Belarus and 15 – by the institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. A special emphasis will be put on laser-optical technologies, nanotechnologies and metallurgy.
The previous executive program on the Belarusian-Indian science and technology cooperation for 2003-2006 included seven joint projects. All of them were successfully implemented, Vladimir Matiushkov said.
For more information, visit the National Legal Internet Portal of the Republic of Belarus.