May 8, 2009--With its Innovation Award Laser Technology 2010, the Arbeitskreis Lasertechnik e.V. ( and the European Laser Institute (ELI; will reward outstanding innovation in laser development and applications for production technology on May 5, 2010 at the International Laser Technology Congress AKL 2010 ( in Aachen, Germany with 10,000 Euros ($13,300) in prize money.
The award organizers understand that the success of laser technology can be mainly attributed to qualified and committed engineers and natural scientists that have systematically pushed ahead applied research and development and have turned innovative ideas in marketable products and processes. The award, to be given at 2-year intervals, will be conferred on an individual researcher or on an entire project group, whose exceptional skills and dedicated work have led to an outstanding innovation in the field of laser technology. The scientific and technological projects in question must center on the use of laser light in materials processing and the methods of producing such light, and must furthermore be of demonstrable commercial value to industry.
The aim of the Innovation Award Laser Technology is to focus a spotlight on the interface between applied scientific research and industrial practice. The range of possible fields extends from the development of new laser beam sources and systems for use in laser materials processing to the qualification of innovative laser manufacturing processes for use in an industrial production environment. In keeping with the original purpose of the award, applications are especially invited from individuals working in European industry or at European universities or independent research centers who have successfully conceived and implemented an innovative idea relating to laser technology, following the project through from early stage laboratory research to ultimate industrial application.
Prize money and fellowship title
The prizewinner will receive the sum of 10,000 Euros in recognition of his/her work, and be furthermore awarded the title of AKL Fellow and ELI Fellow. A shortlist of the best candidates will be compiled by an international jury consisting of 10 members that are recruited from industry and the research community. The full set of application documents must be received by January 15, 2010
For complete information on how to enter, go to
--Posted by Gail Overton, [email protected];