April 6, 2009--The OPTOmism conference and exhibition, to be held May 18-20, 2009 in Santa Clara, CA, plans to focus on the growing role that photonics is playing in global efforts to "live green" (see OPTOmism to emphasize 'green' growth and OPTOmism to explore "green photonics" in detail). Register before the early bird deadline on April 18, 2009 for a 25% discount on the registration fees for the one-day Executive & Investor Forum or the two-day Technical Conference. Attend the full three-day program and receive $100 off the full rate PLUS a 30% discount.
In addition to the early bird discounts, registration fees are discounted for members and partner association members of the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA; Washington, DC), conference organizer for OPTOmism.
OPTOmism is not just about the future of photonics, but about the future of our planet and how photonics will support a "green" lifestyle. At OPTOmism, you will have the opportunity to speak to senior industry executives, researchers, engineers, and investors as well as have an opportunity to examine many of these technologies, explore their business implications, and review technology roadmaps.
Dr. Steven Chu (schedule permitting; see Nobel Prize winner & laser physicist Steven Chu named Obama's energy secretary) and Dr. Arno Penzias, both Nobel Laureates for physics, will be plenary speakers at the OPTOmism 2009 conference and exhibition (see Nobel Laureates to speak at OPTOmism 2009).
For more information, go to www.optomism.com.
--Posted by Gail Overton, [email protected]; www.laserfocusworld.com.