Long Beach, CA, April 3, 2002 -- The 2002 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS; May 19-24, 2002; Long Beach, CA) continues the CLEO tradition as a strong forum for scientific paper presentations regarding optoelectronics-related breakthroughs and innovations. In addition to the peer-reviewed technical program, a free-of-charge series of presentations and panel discussions--the Lasers and Electro-Optics Applications Program (LEAP)-will be held on the exhibit floor and in surrounding conference rooms. LEAP attendees will have the opportunity to pose questions to the speakers at the conclusion of each session.
This year's LEAP sessions will cover a variety of technical and business-related topics. "Optical Components: Designing for Manufacturing" will be presented by PennWell and chaired by Steve Anderson, editor-in-chief of Laser Focus World and Optical Manufacturing. This session will explore all aspects of designing photonics components for manufacturing, from the initial product design phase, through assembly and packaging, to the strategies that can work in automating the test and measurement of the finished product.
The session "Next-Generation Components" will be divided into two parts: Next-Generation Optical Switches; and High-capacity Components and Systems. Speakers will discuss the opportunities and challenges for next-generation optical switches, and will also address topics regarding high-capacity fiberoptic systems and the critical components required for these systems, with a particular focus on 40-Gbit/s systems and components.
In "Future Trends in Optical Communications," speakers will cover trends in optical communications from a variety of perspectives at all levels in the industry, from service providers to component suppliers as well as industry analysts. "Business and Management Topics" will explore topics relating to business strategy, management techniques, start-up issues, and the current business environment of the optics and photonics industry.
The session "Intellectual Property Issues in High-Tech Business" will cover a range of topics related to the business aspects of intellectual property (IP), including IP fundamentals, the role of IP in a company, how to efficiently manage IP, considerations for formulating an IP strategy, and other essential topics for developing a more sophisticated approach to IP, whether as a startup company or as a mature business.
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