Applications invited for 2006-2007 MRS/OSA Congressional Fellowships
December 21, 2005, Washington, D.C.--The OSA and MRS are inviting applications for 2006-2007 Congressional Fellowships.
Each Fellow spends one year working as a special legislative assistant on the staff of a member of Congress or congressional committee. Activities may involve conducting legislative or oversight work, assisting in congressional hearings and debates, and preparing briefs and writing speeches. The Fellow also attends an orientation program on Congressional and executive branch operations, which includes guidance in the congressional placement process, and a year-long seminar series on science and public policy issues. These aspects of the program are administered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science for the OSA/MRS Fellow, and those Fellows sponsored by nearly two dozen other scientific societies.
The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to provide OSA and MRS members with an invaluable public policy learning experience, to contribute to the more effective use of optical and materials science knowledge in government, and to broaden awareness about the value of scientist and engineer-government interaction among OSA and MRS members and within the federal government.
A prospective Fellow must demonstrate a record of success in research or scholarship, in a field relevant to materials and/or optical science and technology. The Fellow must also demonstrate sensitivity toward policy issues and have a strong interest in applying scientific and technical knowledge to U.S. public policy issues. The Fellow must be able to work quickly and communicate effectively on a wide variety of topics, and be able to work cooperatively with individuals having diverse viewpoints. An applicant is expected to be a Member of OSA or MRS (or an applicant for membership) and have a doctorate.
The Fellow will have a one-year appointment beginning September 1, 2006. The Fellowship stipend will be $52,000, plus money for health insurance, travel and relocation expenses to the Washington, DC area. Final selection of the Fellow will be made in early 2006.
Candidates should submit the following materials by January 16, 2006:
A detailed vita providing information about educational background, professional employment and activities, professional publications and presentations, public policy and legislative experience, and committee and advisory group appointments.
A statement of approximately 1,000 words addressing the applicant's interests in the fellowship, career goals, contributions the applicant believes he or she can make as an OSA/MRS Fellow to the legislative process, and what the applicant wants to learn from the experience.
Three letters of reference, specifically addressing the applicant's ability to work on Capitol Hill as a special legislative assistant, sent directly to the address below.
Application Material Should be Sent to:
OSA/MRS Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow Program
c/o Melissa Norr
Optical Society of America
2010 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036-1023