AeroSense 95 highlights new developments in remote sensing and dual-use technologies
The annual SPIE meeting on aerospace/defense sensing and control and dual-use photonics, to be held in Orlando, FL, April 17-21, is expected to be bigger than ever. In the words of Marshall Weathersby, AeroSense `95 chair, the $981 million allocated by the Department of Defense for sensor and control re search and development this fiscal year "targets sensors as one of the most crucial technologies to develo¥and possess and promises enormous potential for commercial ventures spinning out of defense R&D and illuminates the evolving direction of our industry." Roughly 3800 people are expected to attend AeroSense `95, the premier international SPIE aerospace and remote-sensing meeting, which comprises 40 technical conferences; a three-day exhibit; and associated short courses, working-grou¥sessions, and meetings. More than 1600 papers will be presented by researchers from at least 32 countries.
Barr wins Phase II SBIR contract for thin-film filters