Bellingham, WA--The SPIE Field Guide to Geometrical Optics is the first of the SPIE Field Guide series to be converted from print to a mobile iPhone application. Like the original print version, the iPhone app covers Gaussian imagery, paraxial optics, first-order optical system design, system examples, illumination, chromatic effects, and an introduction to aberrations. Appendices provide supplemental material on radiometry and photometry, the human eye, and several other topics.
SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, publishes the Field Guide series to provide key definitions, equations, illustrations, application examples, design considerations, methods, and tips for use in the lab and in the field in several topics, in accessibly written spiral-bound books. The iPhone application offers full-text search, bookmarking, note taking, hyperlinked terms, history logging, interactive equations, and interactive figures. It is available for download for $6.99 for a limited period. A predecessor "lite" version with more limited functionality is available for free.
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SPIE says early reviews give the new, complete version high ratings, calling it "excellent" and "a great application for anyone in optics." The field guide was authored by SPIE Fellow John Greivenkamp, a professor at the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona. Content was derived from the treatment of geometrical optics in the college's undergraduate and graduate programs.