Single frequency lasers from Coherent are for extremely narrow linewidth apps

The Mephisto family of single frequency lasers offers a linewidth of ~1 kHz over 100 ms for applications that require extremely narrow linewidth, such as atom trapping and cooling, optical heterodyning, and injection locking and seeding. The basic laser delivers up to 2 W of CW output at 1064 nm, with 1319 nm versions available and higher output achievable with an amplifier.
Santa Clara, CA
New Lasers from Coherent Feature Extremely Narrow Linewidth for Atom Trapping, Heterodyning and Other Scientific Applications
Santa Clara, Calif. - The Mephisto family of single-frequency lasers from Coherent, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA) (Nasdaq: COHR) offer ultra-narrow linewidth (~1 kHz over 100 ms) that is ideal for demanding applications such as atom trapping and cooling, optical heterodyning, injection locking and seeding, and other applications that require extremely narrow linewidth. In addition, the substantial (kilometer range) coherence length of these lasers also brings superior resolution and accuracy to research on gravitational waves and interference-based metrology applications.
Coherent procured the Mephisto laser portfolio as a result of its acquisition of Innolight, a German manufacturer and worldwide leader in narrow linewidth diode-pumped lasers. These lasers are based on proven Non-Planar Ring Oscillator (NPRO) technology where the entire intracavity beam path is contained within a small neodymium-doped gain crystal, which is impervious to contamination, inherently simple to stabilize, and lends itself to thermal and piezoelectric fine frequency tuning. Moreover, this NPRO technology enables a highly compact system requiring simple convective cooling, thus minimizing noise and maximizing frequency stability.
Several models are currently offered. The basic Mephisto laser delivers up to 2 Watts of CW output at a wavelength of 1064 nm (1319 nm versions are also available). Output powers up to 55 Watts at 1064 nm with substantially similar beam properties are achieved by using a Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) flexible architecture incorporating one or more amplification stages. The Prometheus model delivers over 100 milliwatts of single-frequency CW green (532 nm) output by combining the basic Mephisto oscillator with a simple but highly efficient extra-cavity doubler based on a periodically poled non-linear crystal. The Mephisto Q provides time bandwidth-limited nanosecond pulses using an internal passive Q-switch integrated in the NPRO resonator.
Founded in 1966, Coherent, Inc. is a world leader in providing photonics based solutions to the commercial and scientific research markets, and is part of the Standard & Poorâs SmallCap 600 Index and the Russell 2000. Please direct any questions regarding this press release to Marco Arrigoni, Director of Strategic Marketing, at (408) 764-4661, e-mail [email protected].
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