High-power, green second-harmonic generation is possible with KT¥gray-track resistant (KTP-GTR) crystal. A proprietary flux growth method produces large crystals having gray track resistance. KTP-GTR can replace lower-efficiency BBO for certain applications. Tests showed no damage or gray tracking after exposure to 10,000 shots of 20 ns, 532-nm pulses at an energy density of 3 J/cm2.
Learn how an industry-leading Brain Computer Interface Electrode (BCI) manufacturer used precision laser micromachining to produce high-density neural microelectrode arrays.
In December 2022, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility (NIF) achieved fusion ignition. Learn how Aerotech nanopositioning contributed to this...
In optical device manufacturing, choosing automation technologies at the R&D level that are also suitable for production environments is critical to bringing new devices to market...
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