June 10, 2008--A novel thin film that prevents fingerprints from obscuring a display has been developed for the expanding touch-screen market by UniPixel (The Woodlands, TX). The optical film, which UniPixel has dubbed Opcuity FPR (Finger Print Resistant), can be applied to any display surface--including existing devices.
"Opcuity FPR film is not a coating so it does not add cost to the screen directly," said Jim Tassone, UniPixel's CFO. "It is an add-on peripheral film so it is a discretionary cost to the device user after purchase." UniPixel exploits geometric microstructures on the film surface to diffuse the skin oils. "Opcuity FPR film is designed specifically to enhance the optical performance of the display by including tuned optical structures and refractive index matching," said Tassone. "We estimate that the optical performance improvement can range from 1% to 5% increase in direct optical output."
A volume production process has already been developed and tested, and the company is now in discussions with potential distribution partners. "The Opcuity FPR film offers an immediate and clear path to commercial production revenues for UniPixel," said Reed Killion, the company's president and CEO.
For more information, visit www.unipixel.com.