March 31, 2008, Orlando, FL--The International Laser Display Association has announced its 2007 Artistic Award winners, with LaserLight Magic (Arvada, CO) being honored with the Artistic Award for its entry "Reflection" in the Best Laser Photography category.
There was a total of 100 entries from 21 companies from around the world. The international panel of judges unanimously selected Manick Sorcar's "Reflection" for the first place award. Second place went to Laser Entertainment Srl of Italy, and third to Lightwave International of the United States. The trophy will be handed to Manick on September 10, 2008 at the 2008 ILDA Conference and Gala Award Ceremony on board the Carnival Imagination, cruising the Eastern Caribbean from September 8 to 13.
This is Sorcar's second ILDA Artistic Award. The first was for his "Enlightenment of Buddha", which won the ILDA 2005 Artistic Award. In 2004 his "Dancing with My Soul" was a finalist for ILDA Artistic Award. "Reflection" is a scene from Sorcar's forthcoming stage production.
Sorcar was first recognized in the early 1990s for his first animation mixed with live action, "Deepa & Rupa: A Fairy Tale From India", which won the Gold Plaque at the Chicago International Film Festival. Last year, his animation films were the subject of a research paper for an American student's bachelor's degree in fine arts at the Savannah College of Fine Arts (Savannah, GA).
Manick is the author of several lighting design texts that are taught at universities and has a full-time job as the CEO and president of Sorcar Engineering, which did the lighting designs for Denver International Airport, sport centers in Japan, Colorado Convention Center, and palaces for Saudi princes.
To view all of the winning entries, go to ILDA.