Barrington, NJ. Edmund Optics has opened a sales/customer service/technical support center in Singapore. The new center will be a division of Edmund Optics Singapore Pte. Ltd. and is to be located in the existing 15,170 sq. ft. Edmund Optics manufacturing facility in Singapore. Timothy Paul Kennedy, formerly an Applications and Design Engineer from Edmund Optics Barrington, has been appointed Marketing Director of the office.
This new division will service accounts in Singapore and nearby countries, including Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Thailand with an emphasis on serving OEM and high volume users of optical components and assemblies. The Singapore sales office is the perfect supplement to Edmund's Singapore manufacturing office, and joins the growing family of Edmund offices that currently include the corporate headquarters/quality assurance/manufacturing facility in New Jersey, USA; the design center in Arizona, USA; the manufacturing/quality assurance center in Pennsylvania, USA; and sales/quality assurance/customer service centers in China, German, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
In addition to the unveiling of this new sales office, Edmund Optics is also releasing an Asia Pacific version of its 340-page catalog. This version will highlight the Edmund Optics Singapore manufacturing capabilities, as well as showcase 500 new products added to Edmund's off-the-shelf inventory. The February 2003 version of this catalog is priced in US Dollars, with a version in Singapore Dollars planned for release in January 2004.