Eyeglass World (Lawrenceville, GA), US retailer of affordable prescription eyewear, launched the first retail collection of prescription lenses for the Vuzix Corporation (NASDAQ: VUZI; Rochester, NY) M100 Smart Glasses and other smart glasses technologies in the U.S. The debut of specially designed prescription lens options for wearable brands including Vuzix coincides with Eyeglass World's retail expansion into California. Eyeglass World celebrated the grand opening of a Vista, CA location on Friday, June 19, 2015, which is the first of eight Eyeglass World stores planned for the San Diego area by June 2016.
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Prescription smart glass solutions from Eyeglass World use Smart GOLD Lenses, developed in partnership with Rochester Optical, to compensate for the unique visual demands of smart glasses. Whereas normal prescription lenses are not optimized for devices using a heads-up display (HUD) such as the Vuzix M100, Smart GOLD Lenses provide specific adjustments—unique to a user's eyes—for the upper corners of a lens where a HUD is located. This greater visual clarity may help minimize eyestrain and eye fatigue for smart glass wearers. Eyeglass World says it now becomes the first retailer in the world to offer Vuzix M100 hardware with the availability of prescription lenses.
Vuzix products include personal display and wearable computing devices that offer users a portable high quality viewing experience, provide solutions for mobility, wearable displays, and virtual and augmented reality. Vuzix holds 41 patents and 10 additional patents pending and numerous IP licenses in the video eyewear field.
Eyeglass World is an optical retail chain owned by National Vision. It has 8,000 employees and its retail divisions include Eyeglass World, America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses, Vision Centers brought to you by Walmart, and Vista Optical inside Fred Meyer and Optical Centers on select military bases.
SOURCE: Vuzix; http://www.vuzix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Eyeglass%20World.pdf