Also in the news . . .
Hoya Corp. (San Jose, CA) has named JML Optical Industries (Rochester, NY) as US distributor of its molded aspheric lenses. . . . Construction has begun on the USAF`s Advanced Electro-Optical System facility (Mt. Haleakala, HI), which will house a 3.67-m telescope for space surveillance. A dual-use agreement has been reached with the University of Hawaii, allowing the university access to the facility. . . . Diffraction gratings are going "on-line" in the IOCat software package from Milton Roy Co. (Rochester, NY). The computer grating catalog is a companion package for Optikwerks, an object-oriented optical design program made by Optikwerks Inc. (Rochester, NY). . . . The search has begun for candidates for the 1996 International Dennis Gabor Award, which rewards excellence in modern coherent optics. The honor, awarded to one Hungarian scientist and one international scientist, was last bestowed in 1993.