New Products

Aug. 1, 2006
The OMA-405 rack-mounted process analyzer is a UV VIS diode-array process spectrometer.


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The OMA-405 rack-mounted process analyzer is a UV VIS diode-array process spectrometer. The instrument fits a standard 19 in. rack and is functionally identical to the wall-mounted OMA-300. The analyzer contains no moving parts and is designed for maintenance-free monitoring of concentrations, including single components and multicomponents.
Applied Analytics, Maynard, MA
[email protected]

UV LED array

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The OTLH-0480 UV is a 365 nm UV LED array that has been added to the Shark product line. It uses a 50 die in a TO-66 package and produces 150 mW of optical power. Applications include fluorescence excitation or absorption, document validation, and the UV curing of acrylates used in adhesives, polymers, and ink curing.
Opto Technology, Wheeling, IL
[email protected]

OEM modules

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Compact OEM modules include a high-speed IR detector and a miniature preamplifier. Features include a bandwidth of up to 250 MHz, a detector bias option and a high signal-to-noise ratio. The preamplifier is optimized for TE cooled IR detectors with a spectral range of 2 to 13 µm. Applications include laser radiation detection, free-space optics, and gas analysis.
Vigo Systems, Warsaw, Poland
[email protected]

Calibrated light source

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The Gamma Scientific RS-5B calibrated light source is made from several LED channels; each calibrated in color and brightness. The brightness is tunable over a 16-bit dynamic range, with ±1-bit accuracy. It has an RS-232 computer connection and can be calibrated for illuminance or luminance. Applications include CCD, CMOS, and sensor performance measurement.
Light Tec, Hyeres, France
[email protected]

Piezo controller

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The E-625 nanopositioning controller was specifically designed to drive the PIFOC family of piezoelectric z-stack nanopositioning drives. The controller provides better than 1 nm resolution and achieves a response/settling times on the order of 10 ms. It has integrated analog and 20-bit high-speed interfaces.
PI (Physik Instrumente), Auburn, MA
[email protected]

Smart camera

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The VC4068 smart camera contains a 400 MHz processor from Texas Instruments, a 1/2 in. CCD sensor with a resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels, a 4 MByte Flash EPROM for data storage, and 32 MByte SDRAM for picture storage. It can be triggered internally or externally and has a maximum rate of 30 frames/s, or 60 frames/s in binning mode.
Vision Components, Berlin, Germany
[email protected]

Recirculating chiller platform

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The NESLAB ThermaFlex recirculating chiller platform has air and fluid filters that can be changed while the unit is operating, resulting in no downtime. A patented recirculation system includes an integrated funnel, full flow filtration and visual fluid level indication. Cooling applications include analytical, printing, packaging, laser, university, and semiconductor markets.
Thermo Electron, Newington, NH

Silicon avalanche photodiodes

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In-house manufactured silicon avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are based on a proprietary semiconductor structure. Epitaxy and reach-through Si-APDs have an active area of 230 and 500 µm. The APDs are manufactured on 4 in. wafers, delivered in TO-46 housings, on ceramic submounts or in TO-37 cans with built-in thermoelectric coolers. They are primarily used in laser radar system and biomedical applications.
Laser Components, Hudson, NH
[email protected]

Cleanup filters

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New MaxDiode cleanup filters are specifically designed for use with laser diodes. They have a 90% transmission over a defined range of each diode’s possible laser wavelengths, while reducing unwanted out-of-band spectral noise. Designed for spectroscopic applications, the filters are currently available for 635, 440, and 405 nm diode lasers.
Semrock, Rochester, NY
[email protected]

Spatial light modulator

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The HEO 1080 P phase-only modulator is based on a reflective liquid-crystal-on-silicon microdisplay with full WUXGA/HDTV resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels). In ECB (electrically controlled birefringence) display mode, the phase panels provide a pure phase shift of 2 Pi up to 1064 nm. Two panel versions are available, optimized for 420 to 810 nm and for 800 to 1100 nm.
Holoeye, Berlin, Germany
[email protected]

Pulse/pattern generators

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The Series 3400 Pulse/Pattern Generators provide precise control for pulse widths from 3 ns to 1000 s, using a simple user interface. Their pattern generation capabilities simplify simulating serial data patterns for use in testing devices to characterize their performance when operated under suboptimal conditions.
Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, OH
[email protected]

Supercontinuum sources

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A line of supercontinuum sources covers the 1200 to 2000 nm band, offers optical power density better than -17 dBm/nm, spectral uniformity less than 13 dB, and long-term spectral stability of less than 0.15 dB. The sources incorporate a unique, all-fiber-integrated 40-MHz-repetition-rate, subfemtosecond fiber laser. Applications include optical-component testing, optical sensing, spectroscopic analysis, and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Precision Photonics, Boulder, CO
[email protected]

Bare-fiber shaping workstation

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The Trig Workstation processes bare optical fibers. Fiber tips can be polished flat or at user-selectable angles. Real-time video monitoring provides accurate control over the shaping process, and an in-line vision system allows inspection of the polished surface while the fiber is still loaded in the machine.
Krell Technologies, Morganville, NJ
[email protected]

IR viewer

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The IR-Viewer detects emitted invisible IR radiation using a special objective and is then converted into visible light by a night-vision unit. The night-vision unit’s spectral sensitivity is between 400 and 1300 nm and is suitable for all YAG and diode lasers. The mobile, battery-powered unit can be used to check radiation levels in permanent laser setups and for beampath maintenance.
Laservision, Fürth, Germany
[email protected]

Microscope light source

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The LV-1000 is an LED-based microscope light source. The compact, flicker-free, stable light source has a Kelvin Color of 6200º. The light provides 360º, shadow-free, uniform illumination with variable brightness control from the 25% to 100% range to suit the viewing requirements of each individual application.
Micro-Lite, Three Rivers, MA
[email protected]

Video-inspection/capture device

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A new portable video-inspection and data-capture device combines video endoscopic technology with the company’s PalmScope video capture and storage system. The portable tool is designed for roadside spot checks of brakes, HGV regulation violations, and accident inspections. It offers a focus range from 40 mm to infinity, has a flexible probe and waterproofing. Video clips can be captured on a removable CompactFlash card.
Moritex Europe, Cambridge, England
[email protected]

Optical sensor

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The OPB856Z Series optical sensor consists of an LED and a phototransistor that operates over distances up to 12 in. in industrial environments. The emitter-sensor pair are suited for assembly line and machine automation, and have color-coded emitter and sensor housings and standard connector fittings for easy panel mounting. The sensor is RoHS-compliant.
OPTEK Technology, Carrollton, TX

Scanning-stage technology

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Patent-pending Intelligent Scanning Technology (IST) has been added to all model H101A, H107, and H117, 4 x 3 in. scanning stages in the ProScan II series. IST allows each stage to be preprogrammed with a unique set of operating characteristics. This allows the controller to periodically interrogate the stage and make any required adjustments to maintaining orthogonality and metric accuracy.
Prior Scientific, Rockland, MA
[email protected]

Image-analysis software

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Proprietary SUI image-analysis software is provided free of charge for the company’s new SWIR windowing cameras. The PC-based image acquisition, storage, and retrieval software includes line profiles, histograms, and spot meter ROI display features. Software options include full control over four ROI in the center of the frame, pixel-window sizing, and image enhancement of captured images.
Sensors Unlimited, Goodrich, Princeton, NJ
[email protected]


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The UVN-Super-Range spectrometer is designed for the 200 to 1100 nm range and has a high-speed USB-2 interface. Resolution is better than 0.75 nm. The spectrometer includes a 2048-element detector array with extreme-grating-optics technology. The optics have no moving parts for durability and portability.
StellarNet, Tampa, FL
[email protected]

Laser-beam profiler

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The LaserCam-HR laser-beam profiler features updated BeamView USB software that provides “analysis only” functionality for offline analysis of previously acquired data. The profiler is based on a 1.3 megapixel (1280 x 1024) sensor and provides profile characterization of CW and pulsed laser beams in the 0.26 to 6 mm diameter range with spectral sensitivity from 300 to 1100 nm.
Coherent, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

Ultrafast amplifiers

The new Spitfire Pro XP and the Spitfire Pro 5W ultrafast amplifiers both utilize the patented one-Pockels-cell regenerative cavity design. Both amplifiers produce near-TEM00, near-transform-limited output beams. The Pro XP uses regenerative amplification to generate sub-35 fs pulses of more than 3 mJ at 1 kHz. The Pro 5W has a hybrid architecture with a multipass amplification stage for sub-40 fs, sub-120 fs or picosecond pulses with more than 5 mJ at 1 kHz.
Spectra-Physics, Mountain View, CA
[email protected]

Interferometer upgrade kit

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An upgrade kit, based on 4Sight software refurbishes and enhances temporal phase-shifting interferometers by providing new wavefront-analysis software and a path for future support. The kit also includes a new, high-speed Windows XP-based computer system, frame grabber, ADC board, and a PZT driver.
4D Technology, Tucson, AZ
[email protected]

Diode lasers

Wavelength-stabilized diode lasers include a 2 W diode laser in a fiber-coupled package and a 2.5 W diode laser in a chip-on-carrier package. A monolithically-integrated grating defines the 976 nm output wavelength, which maintains stability regardless of temperature. No cooling is required.
Alfalight, Madison, WI

Excimer laser mirrors

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Flat mirrors are designed for beam steering in UV excimer-laser-based applications. The standard catalog product line is supplied in 25- and 50-mm-diameter fused-silica substrates. The off-the-shelf products are available for excimer-laser wavelengths of 193, 248, 308, and 351 nm in designs optimized for either 0° or 45° incidence.
Alpine Research Optics, Boulder, CO
[email protected]

Optical encoders

The AEDR 8400 reflective incremental optical encoder is offered in a surface-mount package measuring 3 mm long by 3.28 mm wide by 1.262 mm high. It has 254-lines-per-inch resolution, operates from a single 2.8 V supply, provides two-channel quadrature output, and a count frequency up to 15 kHz with a -20°C to +85°C operating temperature range.
Avago Technologies, Böblingen, Germany

Noncontact inspection system

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The Soprano noncontact, ultrasonic inspection laser system can measure the thickness of high-temperature, moving objects with high spatial and temporal resolution at a stand-off distance of up to 300 mm. Using B-scan capability, it will study ultrasonic waves, including Rayleigh, compression, and shear waves in any material, including steel, ceramics, glass, paper, cast-iron, and plastic whether the surface is dark, light, rough, or smooth.
Bossa Nova Technologies, Venice, CA
[email protected]

Remote-head vision sensors

The new In-Sight 5400R remote-head vision sensors are suited for robot- guidance applications or where mounting space is limited. The camera head measures 1.25 in. in diameter and 2 in. long, and weighs less than 2.5 oz. The processor base unit can be located up to 50 ft away from the head.
Cognex, Natick, MA
[email protected]

White-light-continuum generator

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The new Jibe White Light Continuum Generator (WLCG) is designed for use with ultrafast lasers. The broad-spectrum source can be paired with an amplified Ti:sapphire system. Pumped with 0.3 mJ, 100 fs pulses, at a 1 kHz repetition rate, the WLCG generates 10 µJ of white light. Spectral coverage is 450 to 900 nm with a sapphire plate and 350 to 750 nm with a CaF2 plate.
Del Mar Photonics, San Diego, CA
[email protected]

Machine-vision illuminator

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The Fiber Lite DC950 Machine Vision Fiber Optic Illuminator is a 150 W quartz halogen regulated illuminator. Designed for machine-vision integrators, it has DC regulated output and a 0 to 5 VDC remote intensity-control interface with linear voltage adjustment. Options include color filtering, manual iris, and an analog or digital remote interface.
Dolan-Jenner Industries, Boxborough, MA
[email protected]

Pump-laser module

The new PUMA-920-40 delivers 40 W at 920 nm through a 105 µm, 0.22 NA optical filter. Utilizing a proprietary multi-emitter combination technology, the module enables up to 250 W of pump power to be coupled into a short-length, 125 µm double-clad amplifier fiber. It has built-in electric drivers and measures 64 × 62 × 26 mm.
Fianium, Long Beach, CA
[email protected]

Torque motors

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Limited-angle torque motors, “torquers,” include miniature 1.4 Ncm continuous-torque 5.2 Ncm peak-torque motors and 706 Ncm continuous-torque, 2118 5.2 Ncm peak motors. The MR series has a toroidally wound iron core stator with 2-, 4-, or 6-pole permanent magnet rotors for excursions to 180°. The WR series is an arc-segmented multipole permanent-magnet stator motor for excursions of less than 90°.
H2W Technologies, Valencia, CA
[email protected]

Confocal imaging module

The Advanced Confocal Imaging (ACI) module for the company’s 3Dmap (microfluidics-analysis platform) systems provides 3-D structural metrology for developers of microfluidic devices. The new optics module has larger fields of view and enhanced z-axis resolution. The module uses a spinning disk with multiple confocal apertures to provide parallel data-collection pathways for image acquisition.
Hyphenated Systems, Burlingame, CA
[email protected]

Ultrafast fiber laser

The fiber chirped-pulse amplifier (FCPA) µJewel D-1000 provides up to 10-µJ-level pulse energy at near-IR wavelength. The FCPA architecture allows for repetition-rate selection between 100 kHz and 5 MHz, allowing users to choose from high-energy operation with 10 µJ pulses at 100 kHz and 1 µJ pulses at 1 MHz.
IMRA America, Ann Arbor, MI
[email protected]

IR camera module

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The new IR-TCM 640 thermographic camera module handles frame rates up to 60 Hz with 640 × 480-pixel image resolution. The microbolometer camera module operates in the 7.5 to 14 µm spectral range. Applications range from thermal inspection systems and machine-vision environments to property monitoring, aerial photography, and security.
Jenoptik Laser Optik Systeme, Jena, Germany
[email protected]

Vibration-isolation mounts

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Customized vibration-isolation mounts are designed for OEM manufacturing, retrofitting sensitive equipment, or isolating entire rooms. Load capacities range from 200 to 20,000 lb per mount. Vacuum-compatible, nonmagnetic, or specialty materials are available. Height control is to within 0.005 in. and the standard blue polyurethane finish provides Class 100 clean-room capability.
Kinetic Systems, Boston, MA
[email protected]

Interferometer software

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Enhanced NCC Software, Version 3.0, has been released for the Norland Connect-Chek 6000 automated interferometer. The interferometer is designed to measure 3-D endface parameters including radius of curvature, offset of polish, and fiber height for all PC and APC fiberoptic connectors. The software includes features for saving, viewing, and report generation of measurement results, and new filter options have been added.
Norland Products, Cranbury, NJ
[email protected]

Temperature controller

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The Model 325 dual-channel temperature controller supports nearly any diode, RTD, or thermocouple sensor, allowing temperature measurement and control from 1.4 K to above 1500 K. Sensor inputs are factory configured with two diode/RTD inputs. Both IEEE-488 and serial (RS-232C) computer interfaces are included.
Lake Shore Cryotronics, Westerville, OH
[email protected]

Broadband lasers

A series of broadband lasers is based on quantum-dot technology and has a width of 25 nm and a uniform spectral shape (less than 3 dB modulation at 0.5 nm resolution). A single-mode CW laser with a spectral width of more than 20 nm and a spectral wavelength between 1200 and 1320 nm is currently in production. Applications include optical coherence tomography imaging systems, which typically use SLED or ASE sources.
NL Nanosemiconductor, San Jose, CA
[email protected]

Lens-design software

OSLO 6.4 lens-design software has more than 40 additions and improvements. Users can now place multiple interferogram (INT) files on the optical-model surface. A new Anamorphic Asphere surface type that extends the optical-surface sag equation differently in both the x and y directions has been added. An automatic check now ensures that users choose catalog glass with appropriate wavelength ranges for their models.
Lambda Research, Littleton, MA
[email protected]

Phase modulators

A line of electro-optic modulators incorporates a patent-pending design to achieve twice the efficiency of the company’s standard designs. The new KTP versions increase the damage threshold five times over its LiNbO3 modulators. The modulators provide visible and IR wavelengths to 2 GHz and supplement the standard modulator line that extends up to 9.2 Hz.
New Focus, San Jose, CA
[email protected]

Inspection/measurement microscopes

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The SZ series of zoom stereomicroscopes includes a Greenough design for 3-D viewing and superior depth of field and a Galilean design with a highly corrected optical system for higher magnifications with modularity and illumination choices. The STM series of measuring microscopes includes models for fast inspection of large samples. They have motorized focusing, a high-rigidity body and integrated counters. All have patented UIS optics.
Olympus, Orangeburg, NY
[email protected]

Optical-design software

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LightTools Version 5.3 allows designers to generate high-quality images of LightTools models that appear to be digital photographs. Users can apply surface finishes from a built-in library and set backgrounds. A photorealistic renderer is able to include lit appearances, showing the luminance effects of the light sources contained within the model itself. A “skinned solids” feature allows the creation of complex 3-D objects.
Optical Research Associates, Pasadena, CA
[email protected]

Laser stabilization technology

Patent-pending StableLase technology has been added to the Ethernal family of fiber lasers. The technology ensures high stability and low-noise performance under adverse environmental conditions including temperature cycling, shock, and vibration. The Ethernal fiber lasers operate in the C‑band wavelength range, from 1530 to 1656 nm.
Orbits Lightwave, Pasadena, CA
[email protected]

Laser diodes

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The HL6362MG/HL6363MG laser diodes provide 45 mW maximum optical output power in the 640 nm wavelength band. The diodes have an optimized multi-quantum-well and waveguide structure. They are designed for use in medical scanners, measurement equipment, and next-generation display applications.
Photonic Products, Herts, England
[email protected]

Radiation-resistant lenses

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A line of fixed-focus nonbrowning (radiation resistant) lenses has been designed for use in radioactive environments in the nuclear power industry. The lenses are designed to withstand a total radiation dose of 108 rads and temperatures up to 55° centigrade without discoloration. The lenses range from 6 to 25 mm focal length and have a field of view up to 108°.
Resolve Optics, Bucks, England
[email protected]

Structured-light laser

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The Lasiris Slick Laser is designed to support machine vision that requires a high degree of line uniformity for applications that require precision. With the use of special design techniques, the laser line uniformity is improved 25%, 20%, or 15%. The lasers are available in a wide rage of wavelengths, powers, and fan angles.
StockerYale, Dollard-des-Omeaux, Que., Canada
[email protected]

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