New York, NY--Visitors to New York City's Times Square will be able to view a larger-than-life video montage on laser technology, produced as part of LaserFest, throughout the month of December. Clips from the LaserFest video Lasers: Transforming Life, produced by the Optical Society (OSA; Washington, DC), will appear on the CBS Super Screen on 42nd Street beginning December 1 and running through January 1, 2011. LaserFest is the science community's celebration of the 50th anniversary of the invention of the first laser.
"OSA is excited to showcase LaserFest in Times Square," said Elizabeth Rogan, CEO of OSA, one of the four founding partners of LaserFest. "The science community has come together throughout 2010 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the laser. The display in Times Square is a fantastic way to wrap up the festivities. LaserFest programming and events this year have reached many audiences. We are pleased to be able to share the importance of laser innovation and scientific research with the general public."
1.5 million viewers expected
The 26- by 20-foot screen will show highlights of the Lasers: Transforming Life video and will direct viewers to the LaserFest website and the website of the OSA Foundation, a sponsor of the video. More than 1.5 million people are expected to view the 520-square-foot screen this month.
The full "Lasers: Transforming Life" video features an overview of how lasers play a role in everyday technologies, such as the Internet and laser surgery, and highlights laser research that may lead to future clean energy sources or help understand such mysteries as black holes. National Public radio host Ira Flatow is featured, along with video clips from NASA, DARPA, and IBM, among others.
About LaserFest
LaserFest, a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the laser, emphasizes the laser's impact throughout history and highlights its potential for the future. Through a series of events and programs, LaserFest showcases the prominence of the laser in today's world. Founding Partners of LaserFest are the American Physical Society (APS), the Optical Society (OSA), SPIE, and the IEEE Photonics Society. For more information, visit
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