The Genesis 532-2000 S from Coherent is a 2000 mW CW, green (532 nm) laser that provides the first compact and high-value alternative to diode-pumped solid-state lasers in scientific and OEM applications. Based on Coherent's optically pumped semiconductor laser technology, it provides M2 better than 1.2, no "green noise" and overall amplitude noise at 0.06% or better. It is a completely air-cooled laser with no cooling water reequirements and has a compact laser head measuring 11 x 6 x 3.3 inches.
Santa Clara, CA
2000 mW CW Green Laser for Cost-Sensitive Applications
The new Genesis 532-2000 S from Coherent (Santa Clara, CA) (Nasdaq: COHR) is a 2000 mW CW, green (532 nm) laser that provides the first compact and high value alternative to diode-pumped solid state DPSS lasers in scientific and OEM applications. This is the first multi-watt green laser with performance optimized for these markets based on Coherent's unique, optically pumped semiconductor laser (OPSL) technology. Genesis 532-2000 S lasers provide excellent beam characteristics (M2 less than 1.2), no "green noise," and overall amplitude noise at 0.06% or better. Also, the Genesis 532-2000 S is easy to integrate into experiments and OEM systems because it is a completely air-cooled laser with no cooling water requirements and a compact laser head measuring only 11 x 6 x 3.3 in. (28 cm x 15.6 cm x 8.4 cm).
The Genesis product platform, which is based on OPSL technology, allows power and wavelength scaling throughout the IR, visible and UV and offers lower manufacturing costs than alternative technologies such as DPSS. It is already the technology of choice for virtually every OEM application at 488 nm. Importantly, this new Genesis 532-2000 S uses exactly the same multi-watt semiconductor gain chip that is already proven in 532 nm OPSL lasers. These are used in entertainment, medical and forensic markets, and also integrated within certain Coherent ultrafast laser systems. Based on extensive experience from field data in these demanding applications, the projected lifetime of all key components of the new laser exceed 10,000 hours.
The Genesis 532-2000 S is ideal for high throughput applications in life sciences such as flow cytometry and DNA sequencing. It also offers benefits in inspection or particle detection and measurement applications. In each market it is the compact solution that sets the benchmark for the performance to price ratio.
Founded in 1966, Coherent, Inc. is a Russell 2000 Index company and a world leader in providing laser-based solutions to the commercial and scientific research markets. Please direct any questions to Arnaud Lepert, product line manager, at (408) 764-4657. For more information about Coherent, including product and financial updates, visit our website at