The Indigo-DUV is a compact, all solid-state, deep UV laser. It produces >2 mW of single-frequency radiation at wavelengths around 193 nm in a TEM00 spatial mode. The Indigo-DUV is currently used by leading semiconductor manufacturers for microlithography, metrology, mask inspection and spectrometer calibration.
The Indigo-DUV is based on a Ti:sapphire oscillator which is pumped by the Evolution laser; a diode pumped solid-state (DPSS) Nd:YLF laser. The Ti:sapphire oscillator is injection-seeded by a tunable narrow line-width external cavity diode laser (ECDL). The fundamental wavelength produced is ~772 nm. A harmonics package converts the 772 nm to the fourth harmonic, 193 nm.
The Indigo-DUV delivers superior performance with a TEM00 output beam, output power stability, and computer controlled wavelength tuning with <0.1pm resolution. Compared to maintenance-intensive excimer lasers, the Indigo-DUV sets a new standard for reliability. The stability of diode pumping and a field-proven design ensures dependable operation, even in demanding production settings.
Founded in 1991, Positive Light designs and manufactures solid-state laser systems for scientific and industrial applications. Products include: all solid-state amplifier systems, deep UV laser systems for metrology, pulsed Nd:YLF lasers, terawatt lasers, ultrafast laser diagnostics, and custom laser systems. The privately held company has delivered over 800 laser systems and received numerous patents for laser technology. Positive Light is based in Los Gatos, CA with an eastern sales office and nine international distributors.