Femtolasers INTEGRAL core Ti:sapphire laser awarded honorable mention (VIDEO)
San Jose, CA--Femtolasers Produktions (Vienna, Austria) was awardedan honorable mention in the2013 CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Awards program for its portable ultrafast Ti:sapphire laser for biomedical applications (see http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/2013/04/2013-CLEO-LFW-Innovation-Awards-KMLabs.html). Laser Focus World senior editor Gail Overton interviewed Femtolasers president & CEO Andreas Stingl at CLEO: 2013 in San Jose, CA to better understand the capabilities of this ultracompact Ti:sapphire laser:
Femtolasers' INTEGRAL core is the smallest commercially available sub-8 fs ultrafast Ti:sapphire laser, providing up to 200 mW average power with 300 MHz pulse repetition rate for terahertz, multiphoton microscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), and spectroscopy applications. With active power stabilization, internal safety diagnostics, and a laser head that weighs about 6 kg, INTEGRAL core is the very first handheld Ti:sapphire laser that can provide sufficient pulse peak power for almost every nonlinear imaging application and sufficient wavelength coverage for sub-2 μm axial resolutions in ultrahigh-speed OCT applications.
SOURCE: Laser Focus World and CLEO: 2013; http://www.laserfocusworld.com/articles/print/volume-49/issue-06/features/cleo-laser-focus-world-2013-innovation-awards.html