Santa Clara, CA, June 11, 2003. Coherent has introduced a diode laser system for replacing high-power HeNe lasers in a number of bioinstrumentation and laboratory applications. The Radius 635 features high output power, a circular beam, low power consumption and minimal heat load. It is ideal for high-throughput screening, confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and particle counting.
"Diode lasers have always demonstrated promise as a replacement for HeNe lasers, but they have traditionally fallen short when it came to output power and beam shape," said Daniel Callen, product manager for Laser Diode Modules. "With the introduction of the Radius family of products, Coherent has overcome these hurdles. We've done extensive side-by-side tests and comparisons between the Radius 635 and 17 mW HeNes, proving that the Radius 635 meets or exceeds the performance of a HeNe."
Smaller and more efficient than traditional high-power HeNe sources, the Radius 635 provides 25 mW of power at 635 nm with noise levels <0.5%. To facilitate integration, the Radius 635 is packaged in a 1.75" diameter tube, similar to a HeNe but one-third the HeNe's length. The similar packaging allows users to mount the Radius 635 in existing HeNe mounts, making it ideal for field replacement or OEM products.
To reduce heat stress and ensure long-lasting operation, the Radius 635 is packaged on a TEC with the diode housed in a protected heat sink equipped with an internal fan. This design helps maintain a constant temperature of 22° C, minimizing mode-hopping and ensuring exceptional power, as well as excellent wavelength and beam-pointing stability.
The Radius 635 features Class 4 ESD protection and comes with a plug-and-play power supply, eliminating the need for complicated wiring schemes. The CDRH controller box (included) consists of an on/off key switch, remote interlock, emission indicator and a 5-second start up delay-all features necessary to comply with the CDRH safety regulations.
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