Russian investor to boost VTT-originated Flexbright LED foil technology
(Image: VTT)
Flexbright (Kangasala, Finland) and the Russian Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials Centre of the Republic of Mordovia (NNCRM) have formed a partnership to further develop an LED foil created by Flexbright. Flexbright is a spin-out of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Espoo, Finland).
This offers many business opportunities to further innovation and design making use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, for example.
The Flexbright LED foil is a lighting technology created in close cooperation with VTT and PrintoCent (Oulu, Finland), an innovation center founded by VTT. The foils can be coupled with sensors and can be controlled wirelessly. LED foils are suitable for a number of indoor applications and can be embedded into structures, walls, and furniture as well as into both indoor and outdoor advertisements. The resulting lighting environment can be controlled as part of the overall building automation.
The technology is based on roll-to-roll mass production, high illumination power, IoT properties, low energy consumption, and the thin (less than 1 mm thick), flexible structure. The lighting foil has high resistance to heat and humidity.
NNCRM is part of Russia's state capital investment company Rusnano's Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (FIEP).
Flexbright is seeking partners for its LED and IoT technology applications.
Source: VTT