Also in the news . . .
Trimedyne Inc. (Irvine, CA) filed a lawsuit against Surgical Laser Technologies (Oaks, PA) charging infringement of US patents #5,380,317 and #4,646,737. Patent #5,380,317 covers a wide range of reflective-type lateral lasing devices; patent #4,646,737 covers devices that use laser energy to cause localized vaporization of tissue. . . . DeMaria Electro-Optics Systems (DEOS, Bloomfield, CT) acquired all patents, assets, and other intellectual properties associated with the CO2 laser technology of the Laser Products Grou¥of United Technologies Optical Systems (West Palm Beach, FL). DEOS will continue researching and manufacturing low-power CO2 lasers and subsystems. . . . Photonics Research Inc. (Longmont, CO) has developed a single-chip, surface luminescence diode laser capable of generating tens or even hundreds of multiple beams; potential applications include optical interconnects and optical-disk and CD-ROM drivers. . . . Excel Technology (Hauppauge, NY) signed a letter of intent to acquire Cambridge Technology Inc. (Watertown, MA), a manufacturer of optical-scanner technology, for $4.75 million.