UV high-repetition-rate dye laser
A longitudinally pumped stable-resonator dye laser, the Intradyne, provides a nearly diffraction-limited beam for efficient intracavity frequency doubling to UV wavelengths and bandwidth narrowing. The laser can be pumped by Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, or copper-vapor lasers. Using a 6-kH¥repetition rate, 5-W copper-vapor laser, the Intradyne laser demonstrates a 17% conversion efficiency at a bandwidth of 0.15 cm-1 at 564 nm and a 3% efficiency at 282 nm.
Laser Analytical Systems,
Santa Clara, CA
Diode-pumped Nd:YAG lasers
The Series 210 and 220 diode-pumped solid-state lasers are designed to replace lamp-pumped lasers in OEM applications. The 210 Nd:YAG laser offers 7 W CW when side-pumped with diodes. The 220 Q-switched Nd:YAG laser emits at 40-kH¥repetition rates with u¥to 6 W at 1064 nm or 2.5 W at 532 nm. The IR pulses can be altered from 30 to 90 ns.
Lightwave Electronics Corp.,
Mountain View, CA