Quantum teleportation is a key principle for quantum information technology. It permits the transfer of quantum information into an otherwise inaccessible space, while also permitting the transfer of photon information into a quantum memory without revealing or destroying the stored quantum information.
In this Nature article (see source at end of this post), researchers from Yokohama National University (Yokohama, Japan) show reliable quantum state transfer of photon polarization into a carbon isotope nuclear spin coupled to a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond based on photon-electron Bell state measurement by photon absorption.
The carbon spin is first entangled with the electron spin, which is then permitted to absorb a photon into a spin-orbit correlated eigenstate. Detection of the electron after relaxation into the spin ground state allows post-selected transfer of arbitrary photon polarization into the carbon memory.
The quantum state transfer scheme allows individual addressing of integrated quantum memories to realize scalable quantum repeaters for long-haul quantum communications, and distributed quantum computers for large-scale quantum computation and metrology.
SOURCE: Nature; https://www.nature.com/articles/s42005-019-0158-0