BOLD Laser Automation (Bedford, NH) has developed the LPMA1000 Series small-component modular assembly automation platform for precision laser welding, skiving (material removal), and drilling.
The laser system has use in value-added assembly of products such as medical devices, microelectronics, microfluidics, and nozzle applications. With a compact and flexible tooling design, the advanced laser process micro assembly (LPMA) system can improve customer productivity by revolutionizing modular laser process automation and promoting opportunities for small- to mid-size niche manufacturers in the United States and Europe.
The system contains all beam delivery functions necessary to support the efficient operation of the laser: integrated power measurement, beam diagnostics (optional), laser attenuation, a purge system, and quick optic change mounts. Customers can select configurations for bowl feeding, bin feed, pick & place automation, and machine vision. A central turntable and XY stage pallet configurations offer a modular approach for clients to quickly shift from one product family to another. The system is offered in fiber, UV DPSS, and CO2 laser options.
Todd Lizotte, president of BOLD Laser Automation, says “The launch of the LPMA Series in the United States will provide significant opportunities for customers in numerous industries to boost throughput, shrink machine footprint, and increase flexibility while eliminating time-consuming product changeovers.”
For more information and product literature, please visit