Fraunhofer ILT announces 2018 International Laser Technology Congress dates
The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (Fraunhofer ILT; Aachen, Germany) has announced the dates for the 2018 International Laser Technology Congress (AKL'18), which offers insights into the latest developments in the area of laser technology. AKL'18, to be held May 2-4, 2018 in Aachen, will draw more than 600 international participants, as well as over 70 speakers from research and industry.
For the 12th time, laser manufacturers and users from different sectors will be gathering at AKL'18 to catch up on the top issues in the laser sector. Presentations about current developments in laser materials processing in macro and micro areas and in laser beam development provide a comprehensive overview. Additionally, interested persons can delve deeper into process control or laser additive manufacturing in two separate forums of the same name. In the Seminar Laser Technology ABCs, less-experienced users of laser technology can obtain the foundations on how lasers work and where they can be applied.
Between the presentations, the accompanying Sponsors' exhibition with more than 50 exhibitors offers the possibility to share information and make contact with acknowledged experts from the laser sector. Moreover, leading managers and marketing directors who want specific information on the status and perspectives in the European, American, and Asian laser markets are invited to join the Technology Business Day.
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