February 23--The next meeting of the Northeast Regional Chapter of the Laser Institute of America is scheduled for March 14th from 5:00 PM until 9:00 PM at the Marriott Courtyard in Nashua, NH. This meeting will feature special guest speaker Prof. Ronald Mallett, Professor of Theoretical Physics at University of Connecticut.
Professor Mallett has been active in the field of theoretical physics for many years. He received his Ph.D. from Penn State University in 1973. He started his professional career at UTRC in 1973 and has been at UConn since 1975.
Professor Mallett is a noted lecturer and author on the subject of time travel. He has written an easy-to-read and elegant book on the subject called "Time Traveler." He is also actively involved in researching circulating, high-power laser light and its potential applications to time travel. His time-travel research has been featured in a TV special on the Learning Channel called, "The World's First Time Machine."
For more information or to register, contact Ronald Schaeffer at [email protected] or Adam Cook at [email protected] or call 603-882-9944.
Cost is $35 per person for LIA individual or corporate members and $45 per person for non-members.