Cambridge Technology introduces DC3000 dual-axis digital servo

May 4, 2010
Cambridge Technology, Lexington, MA, introduces the latest in scanning technology, the Digital Control Center 3000 patented technology, which achieves new levels in galvanometer control, performance, and ease of use.

Cambridge Technology, Lexington, MA, introduces the latest in scanning technology, the Digital Control Center 3000 patented technology, which achieves new levels in galvanometer control, performance, and ease of use. Based on comprehensive galvo models, system identification capability, system simulation and state-of-the-art DSP state space algorithms, the Digital Control Center achieves the absolute maximum performance allowed by the laws of physics, material science and available power.

Designed with performance, ease of use, and flexibility in mind, the Digital Control Center Model 3000 can be configured for optimal performance with Cambridge Technology’s 62xx and 83xx lines of closed loop galvanometer based optical scanners and your scanning load. In conjunction with Cambridge Technology’s patented position detection technology, the DC3000’s DSP-control, 16 bit resolution and bridge amp outputs provides the higher system bandwidths and accuracy required for next generation laser system applications.

Self-tuning and start-up calibration provide reduced system manufacturing cost, reduced field service and support costs while increasing system up-time. Flexible power supply configurations, integral mounting hardware, low profile connectors and overall size make the DC3000 Servo the ideal choice where high levels of accuracy and speed are required.

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