Ontario, New York – Optimax, a manufacturing company that provides rapid prototyping of precision optical components, has purchased an Epilog 40 Watt CO2 laser engraver. The work space is 24 in. deep x 36 in. wide and can accommodate parts up to 14 in. high. It is being used as a low-risk high-quality technology for marking precision optical components. The company plans to utilize this instrument for marking part numbers, serial numbers, fiducials, and barcodes on lens elements. It is also capable of marking anodized aluminum, such as lens barrels as well as painted metals.
Optimax specializes in asphere, cylinder, sphere, and plano/flat optics. All parts are manufactured to customer-supplied specifications. Final inspection data is included with the optics.
For more information on how Optimax uses the Epilog, contact [email protected].